Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Call Me Betty Crocker!

I don't know what has gotten into me lately but I've been a cooking fool. In the last few weeks I've made homemade Mediterranean pizza, cereal bars, protein muffins, rice krispie treats and dinner just about every week night. I've been a meal planning fool and really trying to stick with it so my family can eat healthy every night and have some yummy snacks. I admit there have been a few "bombs" that did not receive approval from the family but I've mostly had positive reviews so I can't complain. I decided to post my recipe for "Family Friendly" cereal bars. This is not the original recipe as I didn't think my kids would "dig" that version. I changed a few things around and the kids love them! I have to admit they can be a little crumbly (since they're Gluten Free) so I keep them cut-up in the freezer so they stay together. Today, I actually crumbled one up and put it on top of my yogurt and it was so yummy! The kids have been asking for the bars in their lunches so I guess I'll be making them again. Enjoy and let me know what you think!

Lean Cereal Bars
Makes 8 servings

2 C. puffed wheat (I substituted Rice Krispies)
1/3 C. Ground almonds or walnuts
2 Tbsp. ground flaxseed
1 C. vanilla whey protein powder
1/3 C. dried Fruit (cranberries, blueberries or raisins) I used mini chocolate chips too!!
1/3 C. pure maple syrup
1 Tbsp. coconut oil
1 tsp. vanilla extract
2 Tbsp. natural peanut butter (I would use a little more to make it stick together better)

In a bowl, combine dry ingredients. Set aside.

In a pot, combine syrup and coconut oil. Heat to a simmer. Add vanilla extract and peanut butter and remove from heat. Stir with a fork to blend ingredients.

Add liquid mixture to cereal mixture and mix with a spoon.

Press evenly into an oiled 8x8" pan. Let cool in the refrigerator until solid. Cut into 8 squares.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

36!! and another year wiser???

Yes, I'm 36! Another year wiser...not so sure about that one. I had a fabulous birthday weekend. It started with a wonderful surprise party thrown by my amazing husband where I was surrounded with my family, friends, and clients. What more can a girl ask for?? I woke up on Saturday to breakfast in bed with my kiddos, presents and then off to the A&M vs. SFA game...not such a good ending for SFA but we had a great time!
On Sunday, I decided to work off some of the b-day goodies with a five mile run and it was rough! It got me to thinking about the last year. When I turned 35, things started changing for me physically. I have so many more aches and pains then I've ever had. It seems I get a new pulled muscle, backache, cramp, neck tension, etc. every week...getting old sucks! It makes me a little apprehensive for the future.
Am I going to be able to continue teaching classes, training clients, running, biking, doing triathlons, etc. for many years to come? Will my body keep up? Will my knees hold up? Who knows???
All I can do is have faith, take care of my body, eat healthy, and enjoy the blessings and talents I've been given. I'm telling myself age is only a number (can I count that high?) and there are people in their 80's running marathons! If they can do it, so can I right?
I know, I know, I'm only in my 30's so what am I complaining about? I'm not saying I'm ancient, just feeling a little more ragged than I did 10 years ago. Exercising is a little tougher, I'm sore more often, and I feel pain more frequently. I guess I have an excuse to get more massages now!
I am definitely thankful for my amazing husband, loving kids, supportive family, many friends, my awesome clients and good health!
Here's to 36! I'm Alive and Well!