Thursday, June 24, 2010

Vacation time!

Yep, after noon tomorrow I'm officially on vacation! We're off to Turks & Caicos with the family and I can't wait! As always, I start to have anxiety about when I'll get to workout while on vacation. We are renting a house on the beach so I won't have access to a fitness center and that worried me at first. However, I will have access to a free, amazing beach where I can walk or run in the sand for endless miles...heaven! I'm also packing some resistance bands, gliding dics and a jump rope...we'll see if any of it gets used. I actually think my body will enjoy the time off as I plan on doing a whole lot of NOTHING! Maybe I'll read a few books, make some sand castles with the kids, snorkle, get a massage and who knows what else! My main goal of this trip is to spend some much needed time with my husband and kiddos. My mom is also going with us which I'm so excited about! Nothing but free time for the next 7 days...we'll see if I can sit still!

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