Thursday, March 11, 2010

Make your own recovery the first priority of your life.
Robin Norwood

I love this quote. So many of us have health issues, illnesses, aches and pains, etc. Some of us think it's up to doctors to cure what ails us when, in fact, it's really up to us to fix the problem. Your health begins with the choices you make in your life. Think about your daily routine, what you eat, what you drink, how often you sleep, how often you exercise, your stress level, etc. I could go on forever about how we don't take care of our bodies. I firmly believe your body will take care of you if you take care of your body. I challenge each of you to really think about how you live your life. If you're really honest with yourself, I'm sure there are quite a few areas where you could make improvements! Take the next few weeks to recognize the areas where you can improve and then make a REALISTIC game plan of what you can do to Fix the Problems. Educate yourself and educate your family on the benefits of a healthy lifestyle!

My husband and I have recently started reading a new book called "The Seven Pillars of Health" by Dr. Don Colbert. This is an amazing book about the natural way to better health. Dr. Colbert gives "easy to understand" explanations of what you can do to improve your overall health. So much of it I have already heard but he simplifies things and gives you simple ways to incorporate these changes into your life.

Over the next few weeks, I'll do my best to share the best tips from this book. I hope they are helpful!

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